Most Popular Terms Used to Describe Homes for Sale
“Beautiful apartment,” “dream home” and “spacious living room.” These are just several of the most popular terms used by U.S. real estate agents when creating a listing description.
In 2013, Point2 conducted a study of nearly 300,000 active, U.S.-based listings to produce a list of the most popular terms used to describe homes for sale or apartments for rent. Some of the results were unexpected and surprising. After all, who would have thought that the word “beautiful” would appear at the top of the list?
Top Three Most Buzzworthy Terms Used in Listing Descriptions
No. 1: Beautiful is the most frequently used word. Perhaps due to the fact that it appears more convincing than “OK,” “nice,” “great” or “cute,” but also because to some buyers, it may sound more trustworthy than “fantastic,” “incredible” or “dazzling.” “Must see,” “dream” and “great” also ranked highly within the list of descriptors used by agents.
No. 2: Hardwood Floors comes in second on the list. This specific feature represented a must-have for a large segment of online consumers, most likely conveying the likelihood of other quality amenities. Agents should include this term within their property description when possible.
No. 3: Stainless Steel Appliances are in huge demand; therefore, every agent should mention them when advertising a home. Additionally, specific brand names do matter when listing appliances. Read below to find out which brand names generate the most interest when describing home appliances.
Brand Names Impress
Point2’s research indicated that certain brand names should be included when listing a property. For example, Sub Zero ranked No. 1 in the brands preferred by homebuyers.
Other preferred brands include Viking, Miele, Bosch and Whirlpool.
Privacy: A Must-Have when Listing Luxury Properties
It would seem that mid-range homes and luxury mansions should not be described in a similar manner, since they appeal to different audiences with different lifestyles and expectations. “Beautiful” appears to satisfy the average homebuyer, but it does not meet expectations when it comes to properties listed upwards of a million dollars. Point2 discovered that within the high-end real estate segment, special keywords are affiliated with specific price ranges:
- $1 million and under: When advertising properties, most agents refer to a “well-maintained” home with “lots of storage” and a “covered front porch.”
- $1-$5 million properties: Along with the price increase, demands on specific features were also more prominent. Popular keywords include: “ocean views,” “guesthouse” and “media room.”
- $5 million and over: Unless you advertise a “wine room,” “pool house” or a “home theater,” chances are low that you’ll attract the attention of this top-tier luxury buyer. Make sure to include these eye-catching descriptions to impress the most affluent buyers.
To access the complete list, visit www.Point2Homes.com/news and download the free report “Top 100 Most Popular Real Estate Listing Keywords.”
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