The Pro’s of Hiring a Pro

I get asked this question a lot: Do I need an architect? Architects are licensed professionals. Like doctors and lawyers, they have completed university programs and lengthy internships, and they have passed a series of rigorous exams. Their training covers many areas, ranging from landscape design...

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From gutter rakes to a helping hand

When we think of the holidays, we think of home — our own home, maybe our mom’s, or even a best friend’s. Why not give a gift that will make that home better, warmer, more practical, and more fun? Here’s a guide from House Logic to Christmas gifts...

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9 ways to keep your energy bills down!

No one likes wasting money, especially in these tough economic times. So it certainly makes sense — dollars and cents — to make a small investment of time and supplies to close up those heat-wasting air leaks around your home. It’ll pay back big dividends...

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9 Positive Signs About Housing!

We’ve needed something positive to show us that the housing industry is turning around. Here are nine reasons posted that tell us we might be looking at a better 2012 than 2011 in the residential construction market. 1. Unemployment drops to lowest point since 2009 The unemployment...

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