Mortgage Interest Deduction at Risk

Ever since the federal income tax was introduced in 1913, the government has used the tax code to encourage homeownership. Now, as a result of  the effort to reduce the federal deficit, the mortgage interest deduction is under fire. Proposed changes to the tax code...

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The Tom Cruise Wall

As my friend Mac Pierce likes to point out: you could get a blindfolded drunk epileptic to cross Niagara Falls on a high wire without a net, but it wouldn’t be a good idea. There are some wall assemblies that are like that. One in...

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How to paint a wall – I know – Sounds easy right?

Getting ready to paint a wall? Don’t skip the prep work: A properly primed surface makes all the difference. Clean the walls Using a large cellulose sponge and a solution of water mixed with a few drops of mild dishwashing liquid, clean your walls to remove any...

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