Choosing Trees

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dogwood treeFlowering trees are gorgeous.  They add beauty to any home and landscaping. Early flowering trees will not only add color and beauty to your garden, they will help you brush away the winter blues.  Some trees will bloom rapidly giving your yard that color that is so refreshing after the cold and dreary days of winter.

You cannot go wrong with the Weeping Cherry and its beautiful white blossoms and trailing branches that add grace and class to any landscape. It may look delicate but it is actually quite hardy and adapts too many soil types. It grows 1-2 feet each year and at maturity it can be as tall as 30 feet. The Kwanzan cherry is the hardiest of all the cherry trees. It, too, will adapt to all soil types. This fast growing tree will grow between 1 and 2 feet each year, reaching heights of 30 – 40 feet when it is fully mature. This is a beautiful, fragrant shade tree. Its frothy, pink flowers abound in compact clusters that resemble carnations.

There is a wide selection of fruit trees suitable for the Texas climates. These Texas fruit trees include grafted apple tree, peach trees, and Japanese persimmon trees. In addition, there are a wide variety of nut trees that are well adapted for Texas such as, almond nut tree, walnut nut trees, pecan trees, hazelnut trees and chestnuts.

If you are looking for a combination of dazzling color, elegant beauty and no maintenance, look no farther than the Gingko tree. It will add vibrant golden color to your landscape even in colder climates. This tree will grow around 1 foot each year, reaching up to 70 feet in full maturity.

You know that winter is over when the dogwood blooms. This tree has delicate pink flowers and a sweet fragrance. It grows between 1-2 feet each year and will quickly reach its maturity height of 15-25 feet. It is a low maintenance tree that is drought tolerant.  The flowers’ color deepens as the tree matures so each season you will have a different shade. In fall the tree’s leaves will set your landscape on fire with their crimson color.

The Weeping Willow’s grace comes from its sweeping, low branches that droop to create its familiar “falling” canopy. This is a favorite among tree lovers for its dramatic appearance and rounded, weeping shape and perfect for those looking for a quick way to add character and value to their property. This excellent shade tree is always in high demand.

Many homeowners move into a house that has mature trees and are in full bloom but for those building a new home – the choice is yours and the choices are abundant.

Source: “Top Flowering Trees to Brighten Your Landscape.” Top Five Spring-Flowering Trees. Web. 14 Apr. 2013

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