Do You Understand Both Sexes When it Comes to Home Buying?

While most men gravitate toward rooms with gadgets, televisions and electronics, if you have a large entertainment unit in the home, leave it on when showings are scheduled (with the sound off) to truly show off what a beautiful flat screen looks like in the room.
If the home utilizes technology to control the heating, air or lights, highlight it with a pamphlet, or better yet, create a short video showcasing these features. Then leave a QR code on the table so prospective buyers can check the video out on their mobile device. This may take a little extra effort on your part, but the payoff could be huge.
Garages are another area that men typically gravitate toward, especially if they’re clean, have lots of shelves and contain enough storage for tools and sports equipment. Adding a workbench is a great idea as well. If you typically keep your car inside, remove it before a showing. Even if you have a classic car that men will envy, a garage with a car parked inside looks much smaller than one without.
Open spaces and higher ceilings are also a draw for men, because psychologically, they have a larger sense of personal space. You want to create rooms where a man feels as if he can walk through the house without stepping around all sorts of furniture. Men also prefer that the home doesn’t feel too fancy or frilly. They don’t envision dinner parties, but rather think about getting together to watch football with their friends on the weekends.
Don’t forget about the yard either. Many men would rather have a well-maintained lawn with thick, healthy grass than an area full of fancy shrubs and flowers.
When a couple buys a home, it takes an emotional investment by both, so make sure you forge that connection with both men and women.
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