Is your website iPad friendly?
According to Boyce Thompson, Editorial Director of The Builder, The iPad Requires a Different Way of Thinking!
In his blog post, he states that the iPad has become a big phenomenon. “We had an agency come in the other day and they distributed a half dozen of the machines preloaded with their presentation. The message was more blatant than subliminal–you need to be thinking about new media, not just print and website, to distribute your content.”
He stated that the same message applies to home building. “Given the rapid adoption of iPads, websites need to be configured for easy and stimulating viewing on them. And the medium seems to be more about pictures, videos, and interactivity than text. It’s cool to be able to blow up images, customize floor plans, and watch YouTube content.”
There are other technical issues to consider. Because you can turn the iPad to view in landscape or portrait mode, websites need to look good in both. And because it’s a touch-screen device, pulling up “hover-over” clouds of information that lead to other places isn’t very convenient.
Boyce added that the iPad certainly changes the way families receive information at home as well. “Ours is parked in front of the television set, meaning that fewer hours are spent in the dedicated home office. When television shows raise important questions–like when did Albert Puhols last have a month this bad–the iPad is there to provide answers.”
How does this apply to the showcase photos you use for your website? Boyce writes, “The graphics, especially the images of homes that we publish, really pop on the Apple screen, even if the glass makes it hard to read at the beach.”
Read the entire article here
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