Let’s Get Organized
Most of us strive to keep our lives orderly and neat. Nowhere is it more important to maintain order than your home. Storing and organizing your life can help to reduce stress. There are tips that will help you organize your home in a way that you will no longer have interminable searches for lost items and in addition to this, you will find a “good home” for all of your prized possessions.
Organizing a room before you move in creates the best results. Keep a notebook. Determine how each room in the home will be utilized before the moving truck arrives – what items will be stored in what room. Make a layout of how you want the furniture placed. This will make your movers very happy. There may be modifications during the actual move but at least this will eliminate the number of them. Using well-labeled containers to create storage systems is ideal for any room or space. All family members should be apprised of the locations where specific items need to be stored. If there is a premium space, consider adding shelving. Shelving makes good use of vertical space. Adjustable shelving is more accommodating and can be adjusted as the needs occur. Use plastic shoeboxes to create kits for things such as sewing items, shoe repair and extension cords. By using stackable boxes with clear labels all those little things can be stored vertically and easily accessed. The keys to having a clutter-free home are planning, lots of note-taking and defining of spaces.
The kitchen will most likely be the most used room in the house. It is essential to have this room organized. One of the best items to purchase is an inexpensive bag holder for excess plastic shopping bags. Get more mileage out of your kitchen cabinets with some creative dishware arranging. Stemware glasses can be stored by placing every other glass upside down. The most frequently used items should always be in the most accessible cabinets. Rearranging the cabinet’s interior shelves to accommodate the different size dishes is recommended. A crowded utensil is chaos. If searching for a carving knife is more complicated than carving the roast, it is definitely time to purchase a compartmentalized organizer. Toss anything you do not use. Pass it along to a friend or relative, add it to a neighborhood garage sale, or donate it to charity. Get rid of anything that does not work. Clear the counter. Pay particular attention to reducing the number of objects stored permanently on the counter. The counter needs frequent cleaning and it is your primary workspace. Find another place for knickknacks and anything else that doesn’t absolutely need to live there.
Another high traffic room in the house is the bathroom. Clean out old and expired medicine. Find another location for medicine and bandages. A clean bathroom countertop can be easily achieved by using the medicine cabinet for items otherwise placed on the counter. Keep like items in their own labeled storage bins underneath the sink or in the linen closet. When you need to use something, slide the whole container out for easy access. Gels, sprays, curlers, combs and hair dryers take up a lot of space in the bathroom. For quick organization, buy a plastic tub for under the sink and load it up with your supplies. As you place them in the tub, evaluate whether you use the product often. If your towel rack isn’t big enough to hang the family’s towels, add hooks to the bathroom. Towel hooks are inexpensive, easy to mount and create a space for each member of the family to hang their towel.
These simple organizational strategies can make life easier and less cluttered. An organized house is generally a less hectic and happier house.
Source: “Organizing Ideas and Storage Guide.” Quick Tips for Organizing Bathrooms : Decorating : Home & Garden Television. Web. 12 Feb. 2013. “Eight Tips to Organize Any Space.” : Archive : Home & Garden Television. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
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